Originally Posted by safariman
Originally Posted by Bigbuck215
"I did rip his C&R up getting thru that dog dam gorilla tape."

Why does he include a copy of his C&R in a modern day gun transaction?

Only as an ID. Many dealers like it better than a photocopy of a drivers license, or at least treat it as an equal to that. It still has to come to a full dealer for transfer to me if a modern gun. Winchesterpoor's rifle (source of the quote) was a 1940's gun so C&R Eligible. Pretty easy question, that one. Surprised you could not figure it out on your own.

And, more to the point, why do you care or consider it your business? That kinda goes for lots of the campfire dog pile pound here, (I did laugh out loud at the term given them "Special Olympics Waterheads, THAT was funny!) who have still failed to intimidate or push me into doing something that I felt was a wrong or maybe better described as a weak response to a simple buyers remorse BS deal from a pushy, threatening type, lying buyer.

I don't have to be popular to be right. And I am not up for any votes here or to win a popularity contest comprised of the kinds of folks who want to keep piling on and twisting or at least questioning every little thing that is said.

What comes around goes around... I highly encourage you to read proverbs 13:5 and 19:1 and James 4:17

Originally Posted by Bricktop
Then STFU. The rest of your statement is superflous bullshit with no real bearing on this discussion other than to massage your own ego.

Suckin' on my titties like you wanted me.