I have been amazed at the furor over the flying of the Confederate battle flag. I personally have always viewed this symbol as of southern heritage and history.....never as a symbol of racism.

Some have claimed it somehow represents an anti-American mindset that favors succession and break-up of the union. This I can see......and find to be a positive thing.

It seems quite odd that so many are upset about flying a traditional, historical flag is wrong......while at the same time the Government is seriously considering placing the image of Harriet Tubman on U.S. money.

Tubman's claim to fame is that she entered another country to steal livestock and smuggle it back to the United States. It's OK to honor a criminal, but not to fly a historical flag???

I hate change, it's never for the better.... Grumpy Old Men
The more I learn, the more I realize how little I know