Originally Posted by Birdwatcher
But frankly, for anyone to express, multiple times, that they would have fought for the union to eradicate slavery, without acknowledging that not all the people being killed believed in the institution, nor that their respective reasons for fighting were anything other than a states rights issue, is very telling.

"Twisting, miscasting, spinning".... How did you put it?

IIRC I think it was the excellent and worthy Irishman and Confederate General Patrick Cleburne who's family were actually abolistionists before the war, and I've already stated that General Lee hisself had freed his slaves.

As for the rest, I'm just going by what the Southerners involved at the time actually wrote.

Where have I deviated from that?


Because, sir, you sure make it sound that a select few pious folks freed their slaves, but everyone else is a reflection of the other literate slave holders you aspire to vanquish.

The twisting comment was taken from you, initially, and I think applies equally if not more to the information you use and promote.

Some literate smooth talkers may have said it was about slavery, and contrary to your premise that the 90% that didn't own slaves were afraid of free range negros, I believe the majority of the people that fought willingly did so because they just don't like to be governed oppressively, something you seem to be more than willing to be a party to.