Using offense as a weapon, libs are persistantly trying to re-write history and re-configure the U.S. to suit their Euro-scoialist agenda. Look how well that mind set/system has worked over there. Did someone mention, "Greece"...??

It just ain't gonna happen. History is history, what happened, happened. We have to move on, hopefully having learned something from the past, not by trying to bury it.

Buried skeletons have a habit of surfacing over and over again. So, don't try burying them, you really can't. Embrace history, learn from it, the good and the bad, then move forward. Hopefully, understanding history will provide perspective, light and direction for the future.

Hopefully. As is often stated, those who don't understand history will live to repeat it... blush

And that could be pretty bad, some of it wasn't very good.