Originally Posted by Birdwatcher
Originally Posted by SAKO75
And lincoln is like john kerry
"He actually voted for it before he voted against it (slavery)" LOL

You do a profound disservice to the man.

Lincoln, as he so plainly stated, did whatever he could to preserve the Union. If that meant preserving that noxious and entirely toxic institution where it already existed in order to forestall secession he was for that.

After the bullets were flying anyway, as early as 1862 he was moving towards eradicating that divisive vileness everywhere it existed.

the disservice is the fact that there are memorials and movies that dont actually represent lincoln, they represent the good, not the bad. So if the south had accepted the corwin amendment, i guess lincolns greatness woulve never been known? Slavery wouldve gone on and lincoln wouldnt be known as the great emancipator but the union wouldve stayed in tact.

So this all goes back to the battle flag, some say it stands for slavery, well so did lincoln depending on what year it was

The disservice being done in the south to our flag and monuments currently outweighs anything ive said about lincoln....and thats my point, lincoln wouldnt be near as popular had history taught everything were talking about here....
im not so sure the people wanting our confederate monumnets would love lincoln had he preserved the union by getting the corwin amendment accepted into the 13th amendment

Last edited by SAKO75; 06/29/15.

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― George Orwell, 1984