Originally Posted by Oldman03
I'm not saying slavery was right, but the union started the war because of economics, not slavery.

If the war had been about slavery, why did Lincoln wait 2 years after the war started to abolish slavery? The war was 1/2 over!!!

The war was about states rights and economics. Prior to the war, the north tried to get congress to prevent the south from dealing directly with European countries. Make the south send the cotton to the northern mills for processing, instead of dealing directly with the buyers. Congress of the US told them to 'fly a kite'.
So the northern industrialist had to come up with something to stop the bleeding, thus all of a sudden they were against slavery. Slavery was fine with the north, as long as they got their cut. If you stop the slavery, you stop the southern rise to power, and the north will continue to be the middle man and rake in the profits.

That's fact!!!
And IIRC, Lincoln did not abolish slavery in states he considered loyal to the Union at that time. IOW slavery remained legal in the USA but not in the Confederacy, under US law. crazy Lincoln himself was a racist, whereas President Davis welcomed a black child into his own family and raised him as his own child! This child was carried off by Union soldiers and never seen by Davis' family again.