People, the majority who never saw a slave, much less owned one, were threatened by an invading force.

The majority of Southerners never saw a Black guy?

None of the 3.5 million slaves scattered throughout the South? Heck, in most of Mississippi and South Carolina you could scarcely throw a rock without hitting a slave. Here in Texas, ONE THIRD of the population was enslaved by the other two thirds, most of 'em in your neck of the woods where their descendants remain today (around here there weren't much cotton and besides, the unfree help had an irritating tendency to hoof it for Mexico, wherein they would be free).

...and likewise secession wasn't front page news in every newspaper in America?

...and there weren't enthusiastic Secession Conventions across the Southern States long before they ever saw a Yankee wherein they were SURE they could whip the Yankees in a month or two?

...and the wording in the Confederate Constitution was irrelevant?


"...if the gentlemen of Virginia shall send us a dozen of their sons, we would take great care in their education, instruct them in all we know, and make men of them." Canasatego 1744