Originally Posted by Birdwatcher
On this whole "why we fought the war" thing....

Then there's five Confederate States' (collectively containing around 65% of the Southern Population) "Declaration of Causes of Secession" in which they spelled out their reasons for taking this momentous step.

Slavery front and center in all of 'em.

Like I said, it ain't me saying this, it was THEM.

Bend, twist, recast, rephrase it all ya want.


So the politicians said it?

See where that gets us these days?

No offense, learned one, all I can take is the conversations with Grandpa, about his kin that fought for the south.

They did not own slaves, its just that the revolution was too fresh in their mind and they didn't want anyone telling them what they could and could not do.

Seems they thought the items noted were "only the beginning".

Fancy that.

As far my mom's side (from Michigan) that fought for the north, they wondered why they were even involved in the thing.

I guess your scholarly view only appears in books and links noted, but the other non-literate and uneducated folks just talk about it at the dinner table.

But I suppose I am bending and recasting.