
You poor poor STUPID Fhuqker...ain't it poignantly poetic,that your Dumbfhuqktitude is sooooooooooo fhuqking glaring,that even someone as fhuqking Stupid as you can discern same?!? Laughing!

I get a kick outta you "hard chargers" and all the energy you expend trying to convince yourselves that you've a first fhuqking clue. FUNNY schit! Just how in the fhuqk were you able to fhuqk up crystalline pics and still stick all of your feet in your mouth and your head even further up your ass? Now THAT was fhuqking impressive! Holy Schit WOW +P+!!!

Take it to the fhuqking bank,that if I take the time to type it,you'd be WELL served to apply it,especially if you don't understand it. Hint. Now read that again. One more time. Laughing!

Still curious to know who chews your food for you?

You'll haveta' pardon my being afforded the luxury,of not being forced to guess.

Here's another 1000 words for you to fhuqk up,which will sail over your pointy head.

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Bless your heart....................


I very much enjoyed your taking the time to highlight with different colors and granting her opportunity to flounder even more and dig the ditches deeper.

Groovin' on your sense of humor!................(grin)


Barrel/throat "secrets" and the "proprietary" Secret Squirrel Schit are glaring indicators,if only obviously.

At least on a 700,there are numerous moves to connect dots and a DBM digesting AICS mags,prolly don't suck too bad,though there are them who canslum a Wyatt. Big green's OEM 243's are rather nice.

Nawwwwwwww...nicer than that................(grin)


You know you is on THE most slippery of slopes and atop the skinniest of limbs,if the lying piece of schit Burns is your Trump Card. Extry extry points awarded for Humor though and saying sumptin' that fhuqking funny,with a straight face. Kudos!

I have it on good authority that George and crew will happily use whatever barrel you wish and throat it as per your whim,though it's apparently "fashionable" in this Age,to muse that such things "don't matter".

Despite few things mattering more.



The Hollywood Hunter digs 'em.



It IS funnier than fhuqk that Ms. Reed was all fhuqking giddy to wax eloquent on the Goat Fhuqk...yet ran away at FULL fhuqking throttle,when asked simplistic questions at the crux,that were/are beyond germane.


I mean VERY fhuqking telling.



They are selling Snake Oil to THE Clueless.

Nothing more,nothing less and the ploy(s) are hardly "new".

Joe Average sure in the fhuqk,ain't very bright.

Just ask Salty!


Now if only for conversation and sumptin' that only the astute will savvy.

Here's an oft maligned OEM spout,that had zero issues with it's bore,but was a victim of both it's chambering tolerances and it's throat geometry,in relation to it's COAL.

Setback,punched out and the simplistic kiss,find pressure and rocking on...that ain't not never borned fruit(though I've only done so in 100's of barrels).

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Ahhhhhhh the virtues of finite headspace control and throat/twist/COAL dot connection(s).



Just sayin'......................

Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."