Originally Posted by JasonH
I'm tired of arguing about all this nonsense. If you or boxer or anyone else on here don't care for LAW products, no one is going to force you to buy them. I've ordered one, and I'll let you guys know my thoughts when I recieve it. As a side note, this thread should probably be moved to the hunting rifles forum, as LAW rifles are not custom guns, they are production rifles.


LOVED the heart felt Vagina Monologue,as you kicked-off Kchunt Fest 2015! Bitchin' Whine there Toots!!! Laughing!

I'll feign my "surprise" that you skirted ALL things The Rifle and are more than a touch nervous to say a fhuqking thing about anything germane,regarding the particulars that bear fruit(throat/twist/COAL).

Points awarded for "recieve" though! Wow! Laughing!

You "hard charging" Do Nothing Dumb Fhuqks are a RIOT!

PLEASE find me "mistaken" and I will happily take the time to rub your nose even further in your own Stupidity,if only because my Engleesh is beyond reproche and I'm as at eaze in sandbagging...as you are talking out your ass. Laughing!


Just sayin'.

Bless your heart.

Knock it outta Da' Park and comment on how you shake a rifle out?!? Spare no details and don't let the couch get your kchunt,nor the cat your tongue.

I'm crying I'm laughing soooooooooooo fhuqking hard!!!..................


It got purty fhuqking quiet.

Why is that?!?



Personally...the Montucky and RAR runs,appeal more.

MRC has the COAL,but nuttin' else and as per always,it's about connecting all the dots.



There is admittedly much humor,in seeing the Future.....................(grin)


Sir...do NOT discount the endorsement of The Hollywood Hunter and Boddington.



I've seen me bolster the Economy more than a smidge and for more than a few reasons,though for only a coupla decades.

Ignorance IS bliss and PreparationH is Blisseder than most.

The "lucky" Bitch!..................(grin)


The voids are many and in retrospect,it's disheartening how the obvious has loooonnnggggggggg been overlooked.

Funny part is,were an OEM Manufacturer(especially a "Legendary" one) to twist/throat/COAL correctly,none of these Drooling Dumbfhuqks would know the difference and they could happily plod along in Cluelessness as they have from Day One. Secondly,there's no added expense in the Manufacturing end.


The FWB 300S was a Retrostalgic Itch,fueled by having launched pallets of pellets through like platforms,back in The Day.

Hoping to score a Running Boar version next................(grin)


Them who shoot...get it.

Them who don't...NEVER will.

Though it is HILARIOUS to watch a Train Wreck,despite "expert" "thought" driving the "trend".



Don't be so hard on LAW.

They are honestly doing the BEST that they can,given the grey matter they have to work with...................(grin)


Pass a used Montucky that "doesn't shoot"...as a vastly superior donor from any/all angles.



A true 1-9" at low tide on The Milford will do exactly that which you cite and at a 2.8" COAL smooch.

Though many find them facts unsettling.....................(grin)


Stupid is never smart,though LAW has their heart set in trying to dispel facts. I've this [bleep] hunch,they ain't gonna rewrite Physics...no matter how many Drooling Dumbfhuqks are able to Fantasize about same(grin)

They'll fold and wonder "why".................


It is CHEAPEST to do things right,from the get go and nothing is less expensive that Reserve RPM...not that I don't enjoy the humor of the naysayers!

LAW is very obviously procuring bottom rung barrels and are a touch taken aback in fronting same. The Secret Squirrel Schit attached to that Business "Model" only adds more hilarity,to the glaring Dumbfhuqktitude of the AMAZINGLY Stupid Dumbfhuqks calling the "shots" at LAW. Funnier than fhuqk and then some!!!

Hear nice thangs about sub sealevel 1-9" 105's myself...............(grin)

Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."