Steel wool burns hotter and longer than cotton or wood wool and will ignite and burn when WET, if saturated with Vasoline. The dryer lint ignites quicker and I have also used rubber bands mixed into this mess as they last and help ignite wood, BUT, they stink something awful, so, I quit using them.

I know about "bracket fungus" tinder and pine pitch and spruce gum and birch bark and Cedar shavings, I have used wood heat since I was an infant, grew up in the BC bush and one of my major forestry duties was "slashburning" in wet Oct.-Nov. Nothing I have used will work like this mess and it is about H20 proof, important here where it rains a little bit.......28 days out of 30 in Nov., except when it was snowing.

If, you have Cedar and this tinder and a reliable lighter, you will get a fire going and then you use Doug Fir to stoke it or Hemlock. This will last all night if banked with soil and covered with even wet wood, allowing air to enter.