Originally Posted by Eremicus
What kinds of wool ? Penelton shirts, Woolrich shirts, cape shouldered shirts, and pants, Filson pants, Cabela's pants ( whipcord and 24 oz.) and lately Patagonia's Merino Wool base layer. I've also used wool union suits of brand(s) I can't remember years ago. E

Thanks, E. Was curious if you'd used the newer types of very thin wools such as Smartwool (the only one I've tried) or Icebreaker. I suppose the Patagonia is similar but haven't seen or tried it.

Personally, I've mainly used synthetic under layers with wool outer layers, and lately have wondered if that isn't backwards. Might it be better to to have something that's always warm closer to the skin, under a quick-drying synthetic outer layer?

I'll second Kutenay on the odor properties of even good synthetics. I used a Capilene shirt (among others) for quick-wash travel clothes in Africa and found it could get pretty ripe. Worse yet, I once wore an Under Armour Loose Gear T to work out in the D.C. summer heat, and forgot to take it out of my gym bag for a few days after that. It was nice and dry, but I probably should have been required to register it as a bacteriological weapon!