My dad used to say we kids could break an anvil with a rubber hammer. Well, we could melt an anvil with a couple of matches. Lord, we loved to make fires. Maybe it's being kids or maybe we're just wired for it. As the oldest, it was my job to start and keep the fire going in the basement. Of course, it's an easy job with dry tamarack and good kindling. It's a little tougher when it's raining in buckets out in the woods... but even in the wet woods a savvy woodsman can rustle up a little of this and a little of that. And as with most things, the more you practice the better you get.

The thing about fire is not only the heat and the light, it's a sense of mastery. A man with a fire is a man with possibilities, with hope. And a man with a Gaine's burger for dinner... we'll he's just a dog. smile

Hunting success is 90 percent hunter, 10 percent weapon.