Originally Posted by frogmanjim67
I would totally agree that Alaska has some real weather to contend with. A couple buddies of mine say the same thing, that you PREPARE for night before it gets here, but then, I would imagine with the days as they are.... The time involved in sun setting allows for some prepping... Right?? Using tents with rain-fly's would help. Ground cloth and tarps??

One prepares for the night before it occurs. It's possible afterward, just harder. If a fire is in order, firewood is WAY more easily collected in the daylight than via headlight/flashlight. Something to avoid dew and or precipitation is required, IMO. Everyone has d preferred method - as long as it works!

Where in KS are you Jim? I had to live there in the little apple for 4 years.

If you take the time it takes, it takes less time.
--Pat Parelli

American by birth; Alaskan by choice.