Top of the morning to you Ed, it's been much too long since I've said hello to you. I trust all is as well as can be what with all the strange days we're finding ourselves in.

I believe you might know I have a few members of my immediate family who are ordained ministers or have been involved in overseas missions, so I was at least able to observe the plusses and minuses first - second?? - hand.

IF church is done right, I believe that it should have a greater impact on the community around it than it might could do as individuals.

I've been involved with churches which in my opinion did that and some which didn't seem to.

We're told not to stop meeting with our fellow believers as well, so I'd say that's likely a good goal as well, should we decide to opt out of formal church attendance.

None of this should be taken that I've got any of this figured out Ed, it's merely where I'm at in the journey and nothing more.

All the best to you all this year.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"