Originally Posted by Snowwolfe
How is it possible for a person, 3000 years ago, to find, let alone, travel to Australia, gather 2 of every indigenous species of critter on that continent, bring it back to Mt. Arat then travel to the Artic....3000 years ago mind you, pick up and transport 2 of every species over there and bring them back to Mt. Arat and stuff them into an ark and then go to Africa and do the same....all without the use of a map (among other things that someone would need to even find these places). Then add in all the critters in the other continents I didn’t mention.

Real or hoax?
The most likely explanation of the flood story comes from the ocean breaking over into the Black Sea and inundating the civilization surrounding what was then a fresh water lake. There would have been people there with boats that survived and drifted to higher ground. No way the mountains went under if every bit of ice on earth melted.

The inhabitants of Eastern Washing ton would have a similar story if their civilization was around when Lake Missoula broke loose releasing 3000 square miles of water all at once.

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