These questions go all the way back to conversations between Nicodemus and Jesus.
Some biblical scholars argue Nicodemus was the Jordan Peterson of his time. He was wicked smart.

He had conversations with Jesus about the validity of the miracles being talked about. Although some would say he doubted to a degree, he respected Jesus and even called him "teacher"
In the end, Nicodemus would send 75 pounds of spices to pay for Jesus' burial.

Jesus never gave him "proof" only asked him to believe.

Asking the question is never a problem. Asking the question with disdain towards those that do believe is where things get spicy.

I also agree that some evangelical folks can say too much.
In the case of Nicodemus and Jesus' conversation, Jesus never said too much or too little.
That is where I wished more Christians were. Live by example and not by sight.