Originally Posted by APDDSN0864
Originally Posted by BubbaG
Christianity is becoming more and more associated with politics and allot of people don't like it.

If Christians do not get involved in politics, do you think we even have any chance of making a difference, or are we just supposed to sit back, suck our thumbs and cry a lot?

This nation was founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs and it is those same beliefs that have been neglected and diminished, leading us to where we are now. We need to get involved at even the lowest levels of politics and start making changes.

Again...do NOT mistake religion with relationships with God! A Theocracy, which is government based on religion, is just another form of tyranny. It is the principles of Christianity that we must uphold.


The Judeos and the Christians had a fairly serious schism here while back. Maybe you heard about it.

You can't stack their beliefs in the same basket.