Until the second coming, I doubt that there will ever be absolute proof of Jesus resurrection nor His virgin birth. I believe that this is God’s intent. It will always be a matter of a personal decision - what do you choose to believe? It requires faith. Faith cannot be self produced; it is a gift from God.

Similarly, how does anyone know that their spouse truly loves them? It is a decision to believe that the spouse is giving love with pure, unselfish, sacrificial intent. There is no proof. Only interpretation of personal experience.

Even though it is Jesus’ desire that everyone be saved, many will choose not to believe. If we were to apply the parable of the four souls, only 1 out of 4 people who hear the gospel will truly believe.

There is a bigger question: what does it mean to believe in Jesus? It is more than intellectual belief. The gospels tell of demons acknowledging that Jesus was the Son of God and knew of His purpose and plan. For me, it took decades to realize that “belief” means that I believe in the Bible so much that I try to live my life according to its message.

Adventure is the only thing you buy that makes you richer