To believe that science and Christianity are in opposition is an infantile and incorrect grasp of Christianity or science…..for the vast amount of “Christians” anyway.

We’ve seen how unbiased, non-emotional and intellectually motivated “science” and the entire scientific community has been with “covid” and the “vaccine” lies these past 3 years. We’ve seen how those “men” of science were interested in all aspects of their ongoing struggle with covid and they welcomed debate amongst their colleagues…..never mind because that NEVER happened! The “science” was settled and there were no debates to be had, anybody that didn’t blindly and mutely fall in line were ruined or threatened with ruin. Some of those that didn’t buy the bullshit were stripped of their credentials and fired.

Is that the “science” you’re following? It’s ironic that from the very beginning science has been modified, revised, evolved and oftentimes it’s been just flat-out WRONG. Science once demanded that the world was flat but we’ve since learned that ain’t true. The glaring difference between one’s undying faith in science as the end of further religious debate is the fact that the Christian belief in our risen Lord, the story of his birth, death and life have remained unchanged in all these centuries while “scientific facts” have been changed, aborted and revised MANY MANY times.

If consistency is helpful in determining historical fact then science falls on its ass. Science and Christianity are hardly mutually exclusive nor are they at all at odds with one another. The failure and disconnect is in man’s inability to grasp complex supernatural occurrences. When one says something to the effect of “I don’t believe in ____ because I’ve yet to see ______ and at 78 years old I’ve been everywhere and I ain’t never seen ______ so if I can’t see it that proves it ain’t true”….that type of myopic “thinking” screams to me that person is intentionally or unintentionally putting themselves on the altar of “Godly knowledge” which is no place for us mortals to be messing around in. There is much we don’t know and I’m ok with that. I hope I never get to the point where I think that if I haven’t seen it then it’s obviously a lie because I’m so awesome that I’ve seen everything. 😂

�Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth. Liberal Democrats are the lowest form of politician.� �General George S. Patton, Jr.

~Molɔ̀ːn Labé Skýla~