Don't have time to look at that right now, will try to do so later. Someone with more detailed knowledge than I may have something to say about it in the meantime. I'll just say that while we may only have later manuscripts to go by, that doesn't mean that the words don't belong to who they are attributed to. Lots of books have been translated into languages other than that in which they were originally penned, the translation being done by someone other than the original author. The copy of The Gulag Archipelago I read was, I believe, printed, in English, after the death of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, who wrote it in Russian. I don't know if an original manuscript signed by Solzhenitsyn exists; even if it did, who can say it was he who signed it? I still consider Solzhenitsyn to be the author. If you want to doubt or disbelieve, you can find reasons to do so.

The biggest problem our country has is not systemic racism, it's systemic stupidity.