How do you explain the growth of the early Jesus movement…? It was a tiny group of men (some of whom might’ve even been teenagers) that was sandwiched between the powerful Jewish Temple (the very center of the religion of Judaism)…that despised them and wanted them to be nonexistent…and the mighty Roman Empire…who also despised them and wanted them to be nonexistent. Yet, despite the persecution from both of these entities (and the Jewish Temple was the first of those to persecute Jesus and His followers), the early Jesus movement spread like an airborne contagion.

What fueled it…? It certainly wasn’t fueled by something that was written. It was fueled by something extraordinary that happened. Even Bart Erhman asserts that the rapid growth of early Christianity was due to something extraordinary that happened. The movement of the once tiny group of Jesus’ earliest and most devoted followers eventually replaced the entire pantheon of Roman and barbarian gods, and it saw the end of the Jewish Temple (and ancient Judaism) and the Roman Empire ~ both of whom had been powerful and mighty entities that had tried…and failed…to stamp this tiny group…along with its movement…out of existence.

Even Bart Erhman concedes that “The ancient triumph of Christianity proved to be the single greatest cultural transformation our world has ever seen.”

Every day on this side of the ground is a win.