Originally Posted by There_Ya_Go
Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by There_Ya_Go
Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by There_Ya_Go
Did you see the "Big Bang"?
God and the Big Bang are not mutually exclusive.

I made no statement to either effect. My point was that the atheists are perfectly willing to believe what someone today tells them about what was allegedly seen through a super-duper telescope and enhanced by a super-duper computer; and then believe the theory which they say explains what the computer produced. But they dismiss eyewitness accounts of the resurrection. Intellectual snobbery at its finest.

You need to educate yourself about the science and what constitutes facts and evidence. Faith is not a suitable substitute for the truth.

There are no eyewitness accounts of the alledged resurrection anyway - you're making crap up.

LOL, I see that you are still auditioning to be the next Biden press secretary. You sound just like our Democrats, making disjointed declarations and accusations that use all the buzz words, without anything to back it up. I am sincerely sorry for whatever caused the bitterness that you have toward Christians and our faith, because your vitriol towards us goes far beyond mere disagreement; it seems indicative of some deep-seated trauma in your past. Otherwise, why continue to lash out every time one of these threads appear? The OP posed the question of why Christianity seems to be declining. You could just state your belief that the decline is because people are realizing that it is a hoax, then leave the rest of us to civilly discuss other causes. But no, you have this strange compulsion to continue to attack Christianity as long as the thread is active. It's odd, because I doubt this much venom would be coming from you on any other subject; even if someone's screen name was pushfeedand7mm, I doubt that your hair would be set on fire like it is on this subject.

We've done this dance before and I see no need to further engage someone with your, frankly, unhinged mentality. My post and response were directed towards Hastings, not you.
That’s a typical response when the believer is confronted with the harsh realities of the failures of their belief system and they become desperately defensive, aggressive and divisive.

Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by Raspy
Whatever you said...everyone knows you are a lying jerk.

That's a bold assertion. Point out where you think I lied.
