
A "Ho hum" rating as applied to Tract scopes,is akin to calling Obama a good President.


It is fhuqking schit,plain and simple...due SOLELY to design. There's ZERO fhuqking chance,that much DUMBfhuqkery happens on "accident".



Losing the bad apples would entail yanking the rug out from under Charlatan Snake Oil Salesmen...trying their damndest to fhuqk honest folks,outta honest loot,by lying about their Dog Schit wares. Congratulations?!?


Bless your heart.



Do tell about your "vaunted" fascination and "experience" with "HT glass". I assure you...the ONLY fhuqking reason it will be funny,is because you are doing your BEST. Congratulations?!?

Bless your heart.



I'll feign my GREAT "surprise" that the only thing you can muster is your exceedingly WELL founded Insecurities,fresh Whines,more Excuses and a huge fhuqking berth around ALL things optics. Perhaps you'll dare to TRY and "explain" MOA and Mils again? Take a shot at erector travel,reticles,tracking,repeats,zero retention and whatever else you care to use your Imagination and Pretend about. Congratulations?!? LAUGHING!

You AMAZINGLY Inept Clueless Whining Kchunt. Here's hopin' your keyboard gets to slurrin' even more. Should it "help" your Imagination and it's Pretend,give crowns a whirl too and cite your hilarious versions of "knowledge","experience" and "results". Don't "forget" rifle blueprints,mounts/rings,twist,throat and COAL...along with how you'd need a co-signer for the tape alone. Then mebbe muse POA/POI correlations. Dare ya'. Hint. Laughing!

Cover the spectrum from Olympic Class Air Rifles. Google it. Now you can say you've "seen" one. Laughing! You "lucky" kchunt.

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Olympic Class Rimfires. Google it. Now you can say you've "seen" one. Laughing! You "lucky" kchunt.

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Don't "forget" the 1808 EDS. Google it. Now you can say you've "seen" one. Laughing! You "lucky" kchunt.

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Couldn't stand the wait to check the morning's Mail for the pending herd of MOA/MOA Fixed Fhuqkers and even a MOA/MIL Fixed Fhuqker smokes a Reupold MK4 M3 3.5-10x. Hint. Laughing! You "lucky" kchunt.

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Now don't go "forgetting" 17 Hummers,whether it OEM or Custom. Google it. Now you can say you've "seen" one. Laughing! You "lucky" kchunt.

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Potpourri for you...just to letcha' nod your head and drooling maw,so you can feign a first fhuqking clue about ANY of it. Now you can say you've "seen" one. Laughing! You "lucky" kchunt.

[Linked Image]

Don't let the cat get your tongue,nor the couch your kchunt. Oooopsie! Wayyyyyyyyy too fhuqking late. Laughing!

Bless your heart....you poor poor(literally) STUPID Fhuqk.



More SCHIT,just don't happen to be much of a "Sales Pitch"...except of course in Texas.


Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."