Cool Trevor. Welcome.

Dogshooter - not really a good comparison. I sought interaction with these folks not vice versa so telemarketer or door\door salesman doesn't apply. You and I have the exact same experience with their products. If you have decided to dismiss them that is ok. I have dismissed others without ever seeing theirs so I hear ya. I merely said I was interested, nothing more and so far they have been a responsive company with an endorsement from a very respected source. Right now I am more interested in binoculars than a new scope so I have not really gone into those too much. If I do get to handle their products and don't like what I see I will be hear telling you why. Politely.

When a country is well governed, poverty and a mean condition are something to be ashamed of. When a country is ill governed, riches and honors are something to be ashamed of
. Confucius