
I can only speak in the firsthand,to having killed over 100,000,000 bd ft of Timber(hunnert million+). You can only speak in the first hand,on how to suck for a lifetime. Congratulations?!?

Funnier than fhuqk that you feign familiarity with the Lexicon,just as it's funnier than fhuqk when you attempt to feebly feign a first fhuqking clue,about any and everything else. I'm rather at ease in coining Phraseology and you can cetainly feel free to nod your head,in order to feign a fhuqking first clue. Laughing!

There's no slighting how "real" your Imagination and it's Pretend are to you,nor how badly you NEED "lucky" kchunt.

If I woke up dead in the morning,I'd have seen and done more by Noon,than you have in a "Life" of trying. Hint.

Bless your heart.



Your Whine is never not Magnificent in it's grandeur and your ever growing list of Insecurities are incredibly well founded. Congratulations?!?

Perhaps you and SuperKchunt should realign your Axis Of Imaginaton And Pretend,so as to be able to bask in the sweet "satisfactions" of all the things you nearly did,the wares you nearly used and the places you nearly used 'em. Laughing!

You Drooling Do NOTHING Dumbfhuqks are a hoot! I'll feign my GREAT "surprise",that you skirted all things The Rifle and The Outdoors,as you placed your trembling fingers upon the keyboard,to pen a Whine. What were the "odds"?!?

As per always,be SURE to cite any/all words that are "too tricky","too lengthy" or "too Technical" for you and I'll happily take the nano second requisite,to rub your nose even further in your Incredible STUPIDITY. Dare ya'. Hint. Laughing!

Just saying.

Bless your heart.



The ONLY fhuqking thing MagnumDoosh can "offer" in the firsthand,is Imagination and Pretend. Groovin' on her gettin' giddy at her Delusional "ALL".

Window Licking Lap Dogs are a fhuqking hoot.

Bless her heart.



Don't "forget" about your Imaginary Pretend Ignore...despite it hilariously quantifying your sheer and utter CLUELESSNESS,as well as lending an inkling to what a Lying Piece Of Fhuqking Schit you are. Congratulations?!?

How do them Tract binos do,gawking through barbed wire? Do their "resolve",up your "odds" on them High Fence "pursuits" you relish?

I'm fhuqking crying...I'm laughing sooooooooooooooo fhuqking hard!!! The Texas Version of everything,is fhuqking HILARIOUS! Here's to you,simply doing your best and the oblivious humor which floods from same. You "lucky" kchunt.

Bless your heart.



Dangle one of "your" REALLY frost the cake. Congratulations?!?

Bless your heart.


Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."