Originally Posted by AcesNeights
Originally Posted by Houston_2
China, India and Turkey openly uneasy about Putin’s latest mobilization call. All have expressed direct statements against Putin’s latest action.

The Guardian, Reuters

I think that’s what worries some of us the most, that Putin gets backed into a corner and significantly escalates the conflict to save face. If he faces an angry populace at home and is getting his ass kicked in Ukraine I expect that he’ll do whatever needs to be done in order to guarantee a Russian “victory”.

Widening of the “special operation” is the extent of my interest in either country…

Well the weak kids on the playground alway wished everyone gave the bully their lunch money.

Ukraine punched the bully in his face, kicked him in the nuts, and smashed him.

You keep hoping the bully never comes for your lunch money.

The Big Boys are going to smash the schitt out of the bully and you can hide on the sidelines.

Thank them later.

John Burns

I have all the sources.
They can't stop the signal.