Originally Posted by ribka
Originally Posted by Bristoe
Meanwhile, US President Joe Biden made a controversial trip to Saudi Arabia in July in part to convince the kingdom to loosen the production taps, meeting Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman despite his promise to make Riyadh a 'pariah' following the 2018 killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

It seems that Putin has a new friend,...and the U.S.A. is going to pay a lot of money for the Putin gang's foreign policy shenanigans.

All of the US's decades of escapades in the Mid East just randomly invading countries and bombing civilians is coming back to haunt them lol

saliva Ukraine

It's fairly easy to see how all of this is shaping up. The U.S. government behaves as if there's no way for the world to retaliate against it because of its military strength. But the fact is, there's multitudes of ways for the world to economically retaliate against the U.S.A. and the U.S.A. has become very adept at making enemies.

If you back up and look at the situation, it seems as if the people who control the American government are intentionally working at making it hated by the whole world. About the only dependable allies the U.S.A. had left was Western Europe and after freezing their asses off and having their industry destroyed to support America's fiasco in Ukraine, Western Europe will be ready to piss on the U.S.A's grave.