Originally Posted by Willto
Originally Posted by JohnBurns
You seem very into homo videos and dwelling on deviant behaviour.

You might type "Projection" into your favorite search engine.

I don't judge just because you have a few homosexual issues in your closet but you might want to deal with your desires before it Burns you up.

Just Sayin.
He seems particularity fond of bringing up sex with children where it has no relevance to the topic at hand. Wouldn't want my kids walking past his house on the way home from school. Of course there's no danger in that. Unlike him I don't live in Russia.

He seems to have an unlimited # of tranny/pedo videos he loves to post.

I can't even imagine how far and wide he has to search the web to have such a collection.

John Burns

I have all the sources.
They can't stop the signal.