Originally Posted by PaulBarnard
Originally Posted by Tyrone
Originally Posted by simonkenton7
I'm with you Rockchuck. I have seen a half dozen pics of them where they have their arms wrapped around each other. Very friendly. And they slept in the same bed.

This only matters because, cops are always looking for a jilted lover as the murderer. If one gal had a boyfriend, and then she went lesbo, that might have driven the ex boyfriend crazy.
Homosexuals, even lesbians, are notoriously violent.


Actually, domestic violence is about 24x more prevalent for lesbians and about 130x more for homosexual men.
There's plenty of info out there, if you actually care to look. The Gay mafia tries to bury it.

You perverts are gonna hate this, but there is a lot of facts at https://www.massresistance.org/docs/info2/knowledge/index.html

Politics is War by Other Means