It just needs to end. It’s useless slaughter at this point. The position of the US is completely reliant upon belief that the sanctions would cause economic unrest in Russia that would lead to the fall of the Putin government. That isn’t going to happen. Russia is doing fine economically. The people hurt in Russia economically are the oligarchs. The common people are fine. Part of that is because Russia never was all that highly developed as a consumer economy anyway. So, the average Russian isn’t noticing all that much difference. The biggest consumers were the oligarchs. And contrary to popular opinion here, Putin made his bones on getting the oligarchs under control. He is a populist. He is more popular than ever.

And all of that is directly opposite to the impact of the war here in the west. Here the oligarchs are doing better than ever while the common people are getting hammered.

It’s just pointless now.