Originally Posted by Houston_2
Originally Posted by Bristoe
Originally Posted by Houston_2
Zelensky’s visit to Japan dominates the G7 meeting presently being held there.

The Japanese aren't stupid. They're an exceptionally polite culture and I'm sure they will greet Zelensky with their traditional charm. But they're not going to get any more involved in this mess than is absolutely necessary.

They're obligated to put on a good show because of their association with the U.S.A. But that's all it will be,..a show.

I've spent a lot of time around the Japanese. I don't know them completely. I *do* have a bit of an inkling as to how they think.

At the end of WW2, Japan stated that they would make war no more. When Japan puts out a decree like that it's not just idle talk. It's a declaration of a change in the way its culture is to be configured.

I knew that the second George Bush was out of touch when he requested that Japan participate in the Iraq war.

Japan doesn't do war.

Eventually, they agreed to participate in non combat activities associated with the war in Iraq.

I can just imagine what they think about this mess that the neocons have caused in Ukraine,...and what they think about that squatty little clown dropping by to beg for assistance from Japan.

Yes, of course and all so nice.

Did you miss the part earlier this year of Japan and most other nations in the pacific rim region increasing their military budgets substantially and Japan saying that North Korea firing rockets into their vicinity would be dealt with if it didn’t cease? Did you miss those?

Japan has committed to supplying assistance to Ukraine today.

As I said. Japan's assistance will be an absolute minimum.

As for Japan's defensive capabilities. Sure. If Japan is attacked it will fight back. But Japan isn't going to follow the U.S.A. around the globe participating in its ill conceived hostilities.

As mentioned, the Japanese aren't stupid. They're very tuned in to the decline of the West and I'm quite sure they've had talks about how Japan will insulate itself from being pulled down with it.

Obviously, there's a lot of bad blood between Japan and China. Japan will never allow itself to come under the thumb of the Chinese. But you can bet that there's talk among the Japanese leadership about how Japan and China can reach an agreement which will allow peaceful trade between nations.

As for North Korea,..nobody's really worried about North Korea. It also has a squatty little clown in charge. He shoots off a missile every now and then just to make the North Korean people think that he's a "player" in world events.

I doubt that the North Korean people are fooled any more than the rest of the world is fooled.