Originally Posted by jaguartx

Prigozin is a total nutcase, an X convict with little or no prior military or combat experience. He also has typical delusions of grandeur and political aspirations, a total "me" complex and needs to go the way Leon Trotsky did in exile..

That said, the Uketards and neocon globalists can now dry their panties, the shortest "coup" in history has ended let alone any remote possibility of "civil war" in Russia, so now they can stop blabbering their false narratives and fake news.

The "Empire of Lies" must now be, or has already been if they face the truth of their failure, totally desperate. I anticipate a last gasp false flag similar to a Tonkin Gulf type ncident to bamboozle the sheep and give them the excuse they need to intervene directly. How else are they going to justify their waste of billions and endless bull [bleep] propaganda and out right lies? Not to mention sacrificing hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian lives in their proxy war against Russia.

They better be real careful what they wish for.


"an armed society is a polite society"