Originally Posted by kwg020
Originally Posted by hicountry
Direct drivel is lining up Poland as the next cannon fodder for the neocons
Poland has some long standing complaints with Russia. I wouldn't be surprised if there are already a number of Polish men and women who have volunteered to fight against Russia. I really doubt any Polish men or women have volunteered to fight with Russia.

The Katyn Forest massacre comes to mind.


The Poles didn't like Russians before the Iron Curtain fell, and they don't like them now. Sure there are some few leftover commie occupiers who might be sympathetic, but so what.

Russia tried to stir up division with Nazi and antisemitic propaganda in the last 10 years, but the Poles' rightful disdain and distrust for Russia prevailed.

Poles in general do not like Russians. I don't second guess their choices.