cukraine has chosen its Ivano-Frankovsk province as a “test case” of total mobilization, Germany 1945 style. Probably, because it’s one of the country’s poorest regions. In Ivano-Frankovsk, draft eligible-aged men must now receive permission from a draft office before they can move to another address, as well as before they can spend a single scheduled night in a hospital (i.e. for planned surgeries.) Also, all draft-aged men, across the entire province, EVEN THOSE WITH MEDICAL EXCEPTIONS TO SERVICE, must report to their nearest draft office within something like 10 days.

Prior to that, the draft had to come to you, and if they didn’t come to you, you were free and clear. Now, YOU must come to THEM.

After the counter-expensive failure, cuckraine is outta troops.

The first cuckraine pilot trained in the US for almost two years, was shot down and killed on his first mission over cuckraine.