Originally Posted by plumbum
Originally Posted by jaguartx
Most pathogens found in Ukrainian bio labs were strains of Cholera and Anthrax.

If true, so what? Those are nothing new. And they are a legit subject of research, since they occur naturally, worldwide, still.
Corona viruses occur worldwide also. And the Chinese lab juiced up a corona virus and now it occurs worldwide but luckily it's not very deadly to healthy people.

If you were the Russians and an unfriendly country that has been playing footsie with NATO put bio-labs on your border and were playing with Anthrax and Cholera pathogens might you be a bit upset? What do you reckon a juiced up airborne Anthrax or Cholera might do? And we have no idea what Russian intelligence knew about Ukraine's conniving with NATO and the international bankers. Russia is the big stumbling block to one world government and we may just get WW3 out of this fracas.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."