Originally Posted by AcesNeights
Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by AcesNeights
Putin struggling with Ukraine and claiming they have an incredible army is hilarious. They’d be stomped into a mud hole by us in short order. The nuclear threat is all they have and unfortunately now they KNOW that for a fact!

All we have is air power and nuclear missiles. Want to get that going over this sh**hole of a country?

I hope your question is rhetorical because I’ve been crystalfuckingclear throughout this bullshit and I have NOT changed my opinion one iota!

I don’t think we oughta spend 1 cent in that sh.it hole nor waste 1 worthy American in that mess. That being said I’m fine with every big mouthed SOB that supports Ukraine going over there and “whipping Putin”….after the war they’re required to stay in Ukraine and build their Homo erotic utopia…IN UKRAINE!

PS….our military doesn’t fight by vote, they fight wherever they’re sent.
Aces: The last few years of Vietnam our soldiers and sailors were sabotaging equipment and fragging their officers. Try sending our bunch into a real fair fight and a bunch won't go. There will be rioting in the streets of the USA. Under no circumstances would I fight the Russians or Chinese except in Louisiana. Maybe Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Mississippi.

I feel the same way about Russians that Muhammed Ali did about Viet Cong, except I'm not very Black. He said " no Viet Cong ever called me a ni***er. Well, no Russian has ever bothered me.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."