Originally Posted by jwp475

I'd wager heavily that a 180 JHP in 40 cal would have exited as well. Adobo is getting really ridiculous and Kevin didn't choose a very good article to back up his position.

I think it's an excellent article for consideration DESPITE that last paragraph you cite (which I also think is BS).

The DATA is there, but you cant seem to get past Ayoob's conclusions. I personally don't care about Ayoob's conclusions; I only care about the data. And the data supports that over-penetration is a legitimate issue.

RESPONSILE agencies DO consider the issue of over-penetration, because it is a legitimate concern. Your point about the need for adequate penetration is absolutely valid as well. Sacramento PD pulled shotgun slugs from cars after several incidents of extreme penetration that either injured someone or endangered someone. They addressed a legitimate issue. NYPD discontinued the use of FMJ ammunition specifically because of over-penetration. LA County Sheriff discontinued the use of 9mm 147 JHP's that didn't expand after a couple of their officers were shot from pass-throughs, and some bystanders had been shot (essentially the same kinds of issues as NYPD, just on a smaller scale). For LA and NY this issue caused them direct problems and a good deal of cash in court settlements. This isn't pine in the sky, "it really doesn't happen" stuff to them, they were bit.

Because I'm calling attention to the issue of extreme over-penetration DOES NOT, IN ANY WAY, mean I'm advocating for inadequate penetration.