Originally Posted by 4ager
Originally Posted by bfrshooter
You will need your guns, even the toys. Best have all the ammo you can get. It will come, Russia buzzed the west coast last week. I hate to see some of you voted for Obumbler. So much democratic rant.
Seems many want gay marriage too. How many of you are from Kalifornification? Nothing worse then sneak in liberals on a gun site. I want the O man and the Clinton's arrested for treason and put away for life.
When the jackboots come you need a .32 or .380. How about a nine?

Completely irrelevant to everything on this thread, completely erroneous on fact (as well as sentence structure and grammar), and clearly you're in the sauce early today.

You first started off by claiming to know how others hunted and how was worthy of that title, and retreated fast once folks started putting up facts and questioning your insanity. Now, you're claiming that folks are liberals and blind to dangers around them? You remain a fool, and your buffoonery is soaring to new heights (likely only rivaled by the "high" you're experiencing from chemical cocktails at this moment).

You're delusional, incoherent, and quite likely a danger to yourself and others.

No damned wonder Whitworth is having nothing to do with you.

I do not believe there is a rational mind behind his posts. I think We are see posts from someone in the midst of becoming senile.

The first time I shot myself in the head...

Meniere's Sucks Big Time!!!