I doubt I would take that shot again but it was the right time on the right day. We had been shooting sage rats for three days. I was using a contender with a 14" barrel and a 10X Burris scope and we were shooting off a picnic table with sand bag rests. We has several rocks the squirrels like to climb all dialled in with the scope settings for each rock. A couple dozen does walked into the alfalfa and started chowing down. The owner told be to shoot one. I replied that August was not exactly deer season and I was without a tag let alone a doe tag. She reached into her purse and handed me a stack of about ten Ag tags. I shrugged my shoulders and looked into the field. There was a doe standing right next to the rock I had already dialled in. She presented me a spine shot just in front of the shoulders. A forty grand home swaged bullet using a spent 22 RF case for a jacked did the trick right away.

Now remember we had been shooting small squirrels off that rock for days. I was sure of the shot and I took it.

It does tend to make me think that you were being serious and not sarcastic in you're closing statement however.

Who me? Sarcastic???? Never! grin

I do get sick of so called experts who never take the time to practice and to know their abilities and their guns. I remember seeing a magnificent buck in the back of a pickup that was finally brought down with the 12th shot. That was 12, counted them, 12 hits before the buck was killed. The proud "hunter" said that when threw in 20 pounds of pork it would make great sausage. He looked pissed when I asked him what he was going to do with 22 pounds of sausage.

I have ended several season with my tag unfilled having passes shot I was uncertain I could make but I have never lost an animal in the woods. I sleep well knowing that. smile

The first time I shot myself in the head...

Meniere's Sucks Big Time!!!