Originally Posted by bfrshooter
Cold weather and a BG has a heavy coat and clothes on. Whip out your .380, 25 ACP or nine. It will be your toothbrush or hemorrhoid treatment. Like the saying, remove the front sight when bear hunting, it hurts going in!
Way over 100 rounds! Can you get real. Like giving our troops the pitiful .223 that cost more lives then anything. Could not shoot through jungle vines or twigs. SKS had better. Look up the kill ratio compared to shots expended with the toy Matell.
Then to issue nines for sidearms has to be the most stupid thing ever.
Some units reject them.

If I could buy you for what you know and sell you for what you think you know, I'd retire a second time.

"The number one problem with America is, a whole lot of people need shot, and nobody is shooting them."
-Master Chief Hershel Davis