Originally Posted by jwp475

“The 1911 remains popular because it’s an efficient tool. In more than 30 years of experience, I’ve met more competent, serious gunmen who carry 1911’s than those who pack any other handgun. They are professionals – policemen, government agents and others who carry handguns daily because the know their live may depend on it…Me? I’ve carried a 1911 every single day for the past 20 years. It’s a very comforting gun to have at your hip. It offers a good, consistent single-action trigger pull and is wonderfully dependable. Because the 1911 is basically a defensive handgun, I’m not concerned about tight groups. I don’t bother with expanding hollowpoints that could cause feeding problems. For absolute reliability, I shoot only high-quality ball ammunition. That big .45 slug doesn’t have to expand to be effective.” From Guns and Ammo, September, 2001.

….to resurrect a point that's now tangential to the discussion (but may be interesting to Clint-fans)……….he owns and has carried Commanders but believes that the 1911 should be used as John Browning designed it (full sized)…..a few years ago at his class in Texas I was loading some Wilson mags….he came up and looked at them and said, "Do you think that John Moses Browning was smart enough to have made magazines that held 8 rounds; I do, but he didn't, did he"…….. then walked away!! :-) He rarely talks about manufacturers, but when he does he doesn't pull any punches….i.e. "I don't do Kimbers." He's the ultimate pragmatist.

The blindness from subjectivity is indistinguishable from the darkness of ignorance.