I do love and respect our police forces. you do not join them or the army without the reason to protect us and the constitution. A Marine is the best of the best.
But there are limits to the response if we are in trouble, so you need to protect yourself and all of us need the tools that work. Big brother says call 911, you don't need a gun, yeah, right. Just use what works.
Just about every police force is against gun control because they know they can't get there in time. Obumber says to use your cane. Run the creep over in your wheel chair! That creep has more armed protection then anyone on earth. A true president should be able to walk any street by himself with no fear. An A1 Abrams cant take out the creeps car. Why is he afraid?
Now Billery is running, does anyone know how she was hated?
if she gets in, the best thing would be for all security to quit. I would be the last to take a bullet for her and tell the guy MORE AMMO!