Originally Posted by 41magfan
Originally Posted by viking
So after 30 pages, what is the answer?

The same that it's always been .....

Warm blooded critters (of all kinds) physiologically cannot function when they;

(a) lose significant blood pressure, or
(b) their CNS is appreciably disrupted

Some calibers and bullets do a better job than others under the variety of circumstances that invariably occur in self-defense shootings.

But, when it comes to commonly used handgun cartridges, the most critical element is bullet placement. Hitting them in places that DOESN’T cause a drop in BP or short out their CNS is a total crap shoot when it comes to stopping someone’s mobility.

But having all that, the most important element that’s either downplayed or dismissed in these mindless discussions is the psychological factor. The overwhelming majority of human beings cease being hostile when they are shot – and it doesn’t really matter where they are shot or what they are shot with.

They simply choose to disengage even though (a) or (b) was not achieved.

Everyone has some anecdotal story they like to march out about how XYZ mm/Magnum did or did not work and those examples prove absolutely nothing.

So, the answer is: One shot stops happen all the time – until they don’t.

Sums it up rather well.

I got banned on another web site for a debate that happened on this site. That's a first