No expert here but I would start high until you know what is going on and if they are all out in the sage brush. I have had several BC class antelope come check me out while sitting on the ridges glassing for Elk. Even though there were quite a few herds on the flats it seemed the bigger bucks were up high. This was during rut or pre-rut conditions so could have been that. Unnerving when an 80 point plus buck comes up to almost handshaking distance and you don't have a permit.

I would bring a light weight rig for hoofing it along the most broken country you can find, this especially if the road warriors are out and about. If in doubt then I would hunt within sight of any waterholes. In hot weather antelope will water daily and many times it is mid day when they do.

Plus 2 on tripod or sticks.

Do some scouting then do some more. If you could camp in your unit for a week or so it will really pay off. Granted conditions will change once the season is open but you can eliminate the unproductive areas and find the cover and escape routes.

"When you disarm the people, you commence to offend them and show that you distrust them either through cowardice or lack of confidence, and both of these opinions generate hatred." Niccolo Machiavelli