Originally Posted by irfubar
Some of my oldest and dearest friends from as far back as high school have been long term pot smokers. After long term use it definitely has affects on the users ability to reason and come to logical conclusions.

It is a syndrome I refer to as" being in their own head" they seem to have a hard time separating fiction from reality.
They buy into wild conspiracy theories. They believe they are smarter and more enlightened, trust me they are not!

I have NEVER seen a person become smarter after smoking, quite the opposite actually.

This may explain a few things around here?

I too have some old friends that are long term stoners, and just like yours, my friends all have a similar "psychosis". A few current friends smoke weed regularly, but not heavily, as in not all day everyday, and they seem pretty well normal.

Kinda like the alcoholics I've known.

Jeff- the fact you didn't see that coming (your goat head falling out da tree), you may need to be more careful as not all start with an equal deck. Lol.

“Life is life and fun is fun, but it's all so quiet when the goldfish die.”