Originally Posted by irfubar

And you got to admit Jeff does and says wacky things that make a person think WTF?

I will admit I've been known to bust Jeff's balls myself. I try to save that for when he does something truly wacky though. Fishing on a hunting trip and the like is far from that IMO.

I know that Jeff's politics get under a lot of people's skin here and he catches a lot of crap for that. But that's just the internet. If he was your neighbor or some guy you met in a bar most would just laugh and shrug off the politics, not go full retard.

And I do get a kick out of the nitwits on the freak show ("Hunter's" Campfire). Talk about living rent-free in someone's head. I really like the "call-out" threads: "No evidence of Russia Collusion, Jeff O goes on suicide watch."

I guess the joke's on them. Jeff wasn't on suicide watch, he was hunting, and killing a really nice buck while the nitwits were sitting at their keyboards. Just like I am now, LOL.

A wise man is frequently humbled.