Originally Posted by Jeff_O
Thanks much guys.

I was thinking he was pretty dinky, but at camp other hunters kept saying he was a pretty good buck. Who knew?!

Sammo, my plan for mounting it is as follows: hang the head from a tree way out in my woods and let Sasquatch and bugs clean it up this winter. What could go wrong <grin>?

Just about everything. A better way (among many) is to simply put the head in a trash bag for a few days to let the horns loosen. Cut around the base to help them separate from the hide if necessary but they should slide off after a few days.

In the meantime, skin and deflesh the head as much as possible. Remove eyes, ears, tongue, and every scrape of meat that you can. Then put it in a bucket of water, put a lid on it, and forget about it for 1-4 months. Removed and power wash at the local carwash. You can resoak with some detergent to remove any oils from the bone but usually not necessary. Just dry and slide the horns back on - you may need some paper towels to help the bone spurs grip the horns properly.
