Originally Posted by UncleAlps
Originally Posted by WTM45
Originally Posted by UncleAlps

Or the face angle. Steel shafted irons aren't going to cause hooks or slices. It's the face angle at impact.

That's it. No rocket science.

Just how do you think the face angle is consistently controlled with irons and iron shafts? Mix that bag up with various flexes which do not fit a player's swing and watch the results.

Why would you mix up the shafts in a set of irons?

False argument.

Real argument. I see it every day in player's bags. Unmatched iron sets, wrong driver and fairway strengths/flexes to match and wedges that are much stiffer than the irons. Most of these golfers don't even know how they differ.

A fitting session with a pro can help straighten out a lot of sins.