I would joyfully sacrifice the lives of every single Ukrainian for one hair on my daughter’s head. I do not care if they all die in comparison to placing the life of my daughter in danger. And yes, even if the possibility of nuclear war is slim, her life is still in danger by our reckless actions.

And don’t give me the “Putin is Hitler” speech either. My lack of care extends to the entire European continent. I don’t care if Putin rolls up to the English Channel, even though we know that won’t happen.

And don’t give me some cowardice bullschit either. I DON’T PHUQUING CARE. I no more care about THE Ukraine than I care about what some guy is doing on his property in Montana. It isn’t my concern.

Wait check that. Because if you keep impoverishing my children and placing them in danger for THE Ukraine, then it is my concern. And now, I’ve decided that I hate them. Phuque rhem and the horse they road in on. Phuque Joe Biden. And phuque all of you war porn idiots cheering this schit on. You are all pieces of human garbage.